Delivering B2B Revenue Growth
that puts your customer first

Demonstrate the value you bring from the very start.

Your prospects and your customers really matter, and every interaction is an opportunity to demonstrate that.

Whether you’re a sales leader who’s struggling with retention, a professional who knows they need to sharpen up their sales game, or a
small business owner who’s looking to find out what’s going to really work for them, we will help you manage and improve your sales performance.

Areas of Practice

Define Your Market

You know the value your solution, service or product can deliver for the right customer. Defining the market you’re selling allows you to expand that audience. Using advanced marketing and sales data sets to consistently identify the appropriate prospects is essential, and that becomes really valuable when you can further refine your Ideal Customer Profile to include demand trigger events, benchmark data and competitor information.

Our market definition program establishes this process for you by digging deep into your knowledge of your customer, and capturing that in our customer concerns matrix to identify and update key prospect personas.

Sales Stack and Data Review

Huge investment in Marketing and Sales technology has delivered some amazing products that have the potential to deliver real value. Conversely, the low entry price point of many sales SaaS tools and aggressive vendor sales approaches has, in some cases, created a glut of tools. These often overlap, become really expensive to maintain and can end up negatively impacting your sales performance.

CRM tools are usually the foundation of any enterprise sales process, but they’re are just tools. Sales managers can get fixated on driving system compliance over measuring business results, and your revenue performance suffers. Out of the box dashboards are sometimes designed to showcase the capabilities of the platform and amaze us with extensive slices of data, but in the sales process particularly, data is only useful when it prompts meaningful action. Our data review program examines the behaviors that your current dashboards promote, and determine what learning indicators can be established that will help you identify and replicate customer focussed high performance.

Customer Driven Growth Sales Training

Sales methodologies can help drive predictability and improve performance, they provide insight into a process that can seem chaotic and disorganized. The value they bring can be amplified by applying a similarly structured approach to deepening your understanding of your customer. Taking every opportunity to make your offer as specific as possible can seem like a daunting task, especially when it needs to be done at scale. Sales is a valuable listening channel, the multiple conversations involved in closing a B2B sale can deliver exceptional insight for any company. However, a lot of this information lacks any structure. At best, it rests in call recordings and CRM sales notes with are time consuming to listen to. By implementing a process to enhance customer understanding by using a structured information management approach, you can unlock significant value. This baseline quantifies customer focus in the sales process, which in turn will drive more efficient sales performance, enhance trust and improve retention.

  • Sales is a PROCESS, for it to work, it has to be repeatable.

  • Technology might often be the answer, but it isn't always the solution

  • Measure success in Customer Value Generated

  • Find a way to make every interaction with your prospects an enriching one, first for them, then for you.